Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R)
Download a copy of the CC&R. Both sections A and B are required for the full document.
- CC&R Part A (PDF* format - 708KB)
- CC&R Part B (PDF* format - 574KB)
- Bylaws (PDF format)
*You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the PDF files. You can download this viewer at no cost from the Adobe website.
Commonly Asked Questions
Question: Where does all the money go?
Response: Most of the money is spent on maintenance of the common areas, the front entrance, water filtration areas, the fences and cul-de-sacs. We are very open about what is spent and where. Large improvements are brought to the semi-annual meetings and are voted on by the members there before any money is spent.
Question: If I want to add on to our home or build a shed, whom do I contact?
Response: Please contact the Homeowners Association. We will review these types of issues at our meetings to ensure that nothing violates the CC&R codes. Normally as long as the city and county building codes are met and all building permits issued, there is not a problem.
Question: Who sends out the CC&R violation letters?
Response: One of the board members sends them out with the approval of the president.
Question: How can I get a copy of the financials or the CC&Rs?
Response: Prior years are available to print from this website. Current years are also available. Please email us or contact us by phone or write us. We will need your name, address and phone number. They are also available at our semi-annual meetings.